Board:- Manoj Soni sir// Date:- May 3rd // Graduation: - Biomedical engineering
Q1. Why not work in your core field?
Q2. Don't you like working abroad?
Q3. Application and potential of biomedical engineering?
Q4. Mythological significance of your name?
(Told the story)
Q5. What message can you derive from that?
Member 1 (lady member):
Q1. Contributions of raja Ravi Varma?
Q2. Social significance of his work?
Q3. Case study-- How can you improve the working of an inefficient district hospital?
Q4. So many high-end machines lying Unused in govt hospitals? Is it lack of technicians?
What can you do in short term and long term to improve the situation?
Member 2:
Q1. List any 5 fundamental rights?
Q2. Right to health is intrinsic to right to life. but not everybody is getting access to that. What can you do for poor people to access facilities like MRI scans at a low cost? Can you develop a low-cost prototype of that?
Q3. How cost-cutting be done in the pharmaceutical field with your expertise in biomedical engineering?
Member 3:
Q1. Which is the recent meeting going on in Goa?
Q2. What is the mandate of SCO?
Q3. Which country in Central Asia is not part of SCO?
Q4. Why Turkmenistan didn't join SCO?
Q5. What are artificial hearts made of? Survivability of it? Why use pig's tissues for artificial heart valves? Why not apes?
Q6. Can one country breach another country's territorial integrity like Russia did now?
is there any international norm that prohibits it.?
Q7. How far are the foreign policy and domestic policy of a country correlated?
Member 4:
Q1. Political history of Kerala before independence.
Q2. Why the name sultan bathery?
Q3. Who are the zamorins? Role in Indian history?
Q4. Recent Malayalam movie based on it?
Q5. Name 3 prominent figures from Kerala.
Q6 Which are the parties involved in the coalition of the current Leftist govt in Kerala?