Previous Year Interview Questions -2023 : Candidate 35

Previous Year IAS Interview Questions(2023) : Candidate 35

Board:- Manoj Soni sir  // Date:- 26/4/2023, 6th to go  // Service:- IRS(IT) // Education background:- Doctor , surgery // Hobby:-  doodling ,painting , badminton // State:- MH

Chairman :

Q1. Is this you in the photo? -so you are a doctor and have worked in SAI. So you have recently selected to IRS IT. Congratulations on that. - have u joined training or on leave?

Q2. (Monologue on youth) what are the problems faced by youth in India today? Are these problems interrelated?

Q3. What is at the core of these problems among the youth?

Q4. Why has India not been able to solve these problems since the past 20/30 yrs.?

Q5. Why IAS after medicine, IRS?

Member 1:

Q1. What is AMR?

Q2. Do antibiotics work in viral diseases? Why are they still prescribed?

Q3. Which is the human hormone used to induce milk production in cattle?

Q4. is it also used in vegetables?

Q5. Use of oxytocin in Bovines, myth or reality?

Q6. What is savant syndrome?

Member 2:

Q1. I will give you 2 places, tell me about them, Panhala and Vishal gad.

Q2. Which areas in MH suffer from female foeticide?

Q3. What are the reasons?

Q4. What has the govt done.?

Q5. Do, you know about “nakushi”?

Q6. What are the reasons for such naming of girls?

Q7. As a DM how will you address the issue of female foeticide.?

Member 3:

Q1. What is stunting and wasting?

Q2. What is preventive and social medicine (PSM)?

Q3. How to mainstream PSM?

Q4. What is MMR?

Q5. Main causes of MMR?

Q6. What are the two areas of focus to reduce MMR and how will u implement it?

Q7. What are the issues related to taxation in India?

Q8. How can we integrate technology to improve the tax base apart from faceless assessment?

Member 4:

Q1. Tell me few pathbreaking themes in recent medicine?

Q2. How is stem cell therapy used?

Q3. what is nanomedicine? are the doses for adult and geriatric patients the same? in which all cases do they differ?

Q4. what are the areas of convergence of medicine and anthropology?

Q5. what is the name of method used for paternity testing?

Q.6 What is the difference between traditional vaccines and newer genetically engineered vaccines?  why do we need to take booster doses of vaccines?

Q7. what is pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine?

Q8. What is biological warfare?  has it been used before (told about nerve agents) -any other, in envelopes? (Said Anthrax, few questions on that )

Chairman (again) - you have a diverse DAF , and we would like to ask on more areas but the time is limited. (I was getting ready to leave but sir said….) Still will ask you a few questions.

Q6. what is doodling of abstract emotional constructs?

Q7. Can you describe some doodle you have done?

Q8. How can this be used in administration?

-(sir appreciated the areas I have worked in ) from all the fields you have worked in, as an administrator are there any specific fields you wud like to focus and why?

Thank you . Your interview is over. All the best. Have a safe stay in Delhi and safe travel back home