Previous Year Interview Questions -2023 : Candidate 3

Previous Year IAS Interview Questions(2023) : Candidate 3

Board:- RN Chaubey ji// Date:-1st May // Optional:- sociology // Education:- Electronics & communications, semiconductors

We are very nice people. we are not here to interrogate you, just looking for a friendly conversation.. if you don't know anything just say no ...

Q1. Introduce yourself with academic background and work experience

Q2. What exactly you do in your company

Q3. Did you see an electron?

Q4. Are you superstitious? Then, how can you believe that it exists?

Q5. What is Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle?

Q6. Why it is, for a moving train we can find both at the same time ?

Q7. Do you believe that climate change is a hoax? Give me the reasons?

Q8. You know that the earth has cycles, where there will be extreme temperatures, why so much of noise now? How old is the earth? How many cycles it had till now?  How old is Industrial Revolution?

Q9. What happens with rise in temperature? Is average global rainfall increasing after Industrial revolution? Do you have exact data on rainfall?

Q10. Do we have the data of million years ago to compare with current one's?

Q11. So let me ask you again, are you superstitious, he laughed and said I was just pulling your leg and passed onto M1.

Member 1:

Q1.  We talk about faster computing chips, faster communication technologies? Don't you think we give so much focus on them?  Are they really helpful for a common person?

Q2.  How do they help in employment generation?

Q3. I think they actually resulting in job losses, don't you think so?

Q4.  All this blue-collared, white collared stuff? It will eliminate many blue collared jobs?

Q5. Ok, Gig economy and platform workers are fine. What about other white collared jobs, for eg: Teachers are loosing their jobs ?

Q6. So, what these people who loose their jobs should do? Isn't it unethical?

Member 2:

Q1. What is JAM ? Why it is important? Ground results?

Q2. What is digital public infrastructure?

Q3. Does giving financial incentives through SGH really helpful?

Q4. How to increase financial literacy for women?

Q5. What else SHG doing?

Q6. What are the Govt initiatives for the empowerment of rural women?

Member 3:

Q1. Electric vehicles, what are the challenges

Q2. How to overcome them?

Q3. Many say that self-driving cars are not suitable for India? Why is that?

Q4. What is the status of violence against women? Is it improving? Why?  What are the few specific steps which can be done?

Member 4:

Q1. There is a so much of semiconductors shortage in recent times.? Reasons?

Q2. What India should do secure it's needs?

Q3. What are the other initiatives taken by India in this regard? Will it succeed?

Q4. It's said that USA is where R&D happens and only repeated and copying work is given to India?  What's your take on this?

Q5. Adani issue, how can we say it is overvalued?  How to find such anomalies?

Chairman sir:  we have asked what we wanted to ask you, If you want to tell us anything, go ahead:

Chairman sir: yes that's an very important area. It was a nice conversation with you.. all the best and you may leave now..