Board:- Smita Nagaraj Mam // Date and session of the interview:- 28th April, afternoon, third to go // Optional:- Anthropology // state:- Rajasthan, hobby:- dance
Q1. What are you doing right now?
Q2. Consumer durables industry. We do not see many Indian brands here. Those existing are also not having any substantial market share. Why is it so?
Q3. Counters on this and further discussion
Member 1: smiling and encouraging
Q1.We are attracting a lot of foreign companies to establish their base in India. They are generating multipliers for the economy.
Q2. Why then we need to promote domestic companies when their scale is so small? Long discussion on this only.
Member 2: smiling and encouraging
Q1. James and Hubble telescope, need of James telescope..
Q2. What is so special about organising family events?
Member 3:
Q1. Mandate of CBI?
Q2. Rajasthan and Gujarat neighbours but why so much gap in development status?
Q3. What one thing you want the rest of the nation should copy from Rajasthan? Discussion on this further.
Member 4:
Q1. What is the status of Indian contribution in the global value chain and what is the way forward
Q2. Issues with the logistics sector and further discussion
Apart from the chairwoman rest were all male panel members