Board:- Preeti Sudan ma'am // Date:- 20/04/2023 // Education:- economics // optional:- PSIR, Hobbies:- Watching movies on social issues, Baking cookies and biscuits.
Time duration- 25-27 mins
Chairperson: We are not here to scare or intimidate you but have a friendly conversation with you, please remove your mask.
Q1. Why did you choose PSIR as an optional despite having background in Economics?
Q2. What is the relevance of Non Alignment?
Q3. Give me broad contours of Indian foreign policy?
Q4. You have been Vice President of community service club, what does community service mean to you?
Q5. How is non-littering and waste segregation a community service?
Member 1:
Q1. Your hobby is baking cookies and biscuits, what type of cookies you bake?
Q2. What are Osmania cookies?
Q3. On what social issues do you watch movies?
Q4. Tell me about the last movie that you watched on women's issues?
Member 2:
Q1. You have science as you background tell me what is poisonous gas?
Q2. What is toxic gas?
Q3. Which gas is released while building tunnels in the mountains due to which workers die?
Q4. What is the impact of e commerce on behaviour of society in recent years?
Q5. How does it impact the retail business?
Q6. Government is recently thinking to stop sale of Pharma products over e-commerce application, why so?
Member 3:
Q1. How are movies impacting young minds?
Q2. How should movies be regulated to minimise harmful impact on young children?
Q3. How is OTT platform being regulated?
Q4. Who is Shah Bano? (I misunderstood as Bilkis Bano, subsequent questions were on Bilkis Bano as I answered about Bilkis Bano)?
Q5. Should the convicts be garlanded?
Q6. Should they have been released?
Member 4:
Q1. Why is globalisation facing headwinds?
Q2. Should India have negotiated Bett during formation of WTO?
Q3. Impact of globalisation on India?
Q4. India lacks skill, and that's why couldn't catch up on manufacturing sector and India as the beneficiary of globalisation?