Board- RN Choubey sir // Date of interview- 20th April // State- Jharkhand // Optional- PSIR
Q1 Briefly introduce yourself with your academic qualifications and work experience if any.
Q2. What is HAM MODEL?
Q3. Name a successful model of Cooperatives.
Member 1:
Q1. Traditional wheat rice model how can we make a shift
Q2. What was Amartya Sen’s idea of tackling poverty
Q3. What were Esther Duflo and Abhijeet Banerjee’s work about?
Member 2:
Q1. So your Hobby is Collecting quotations. Tell me few quotes that has impacted you?
Q2. How has it helped you? Elaborate with examples.
Q3. Should we allow quotas for SC/ST Muslims and Christians
Q4. Growing urbanization…How would you deal with traffic-related issues if you are made let’s say the commissioner of a city?
Member 3:
Q1. Tell any quotation that relates to international relations
Q2. Tell me one positive and negative aspect of the India-UK and India-Israel Relationship
Q3. Why India has to create a balancing act between Israel and Palestine
Member 4:
Q1. Environment vs Development. Which do you favour?
Q2. How can we improve India’s relations with Nepal
Q3. Ayurveda and allopathy ..which do you prefer
Q4. What is Governance?
Anything you’d like to talk about that we missed?
Your interview is over.
Thank You!