Previous Year Interview Questions -2023 : Candidate 10

Previous Year IAS Interview Questions(2023) : Candidate 10

Board:-Satyavati mam // Date and session of interview:- 1/05/23 forenoon  // Optional:- PSIR // College:- IIT- BHU // Profession (if any):- ex IOCL // Hobbies:- sitcoms, cricket


Q1. It's been 5 years since you left the job, how are you financially sustaining yourself?

Q2. Didn't you join the content developer job like many students do?

Q3. Do you think it's rights to make content or teach by someone who himself has not cleared the exam?

Q4. What reforms would you like in civil service exam?

Q5. What is role of ethics in administration?

Member 1:

Q1. Do you have been to Banaras after graduation?

Q2. Did you see any changes?

Q3. What can administration do to sustain cleanliness?

Q4. Impact of Ukraine crisis on India?

Q5. Do we have any oil deal with Ukraine?

Q6. What schemes are there for skill development and what we can do further?

Member 2:

Q1. Tell what Jhunjhunu is famous for?

Q2. Opinion on Agnipath scheme?

Q3. How unemployed youth would feel about it?

Q4. ODOP from Jhunjhunu?

Q5. Why IPL is so much successful?

Q6. What is single most benefit of IPL?

Member 3:

Q1. GST collection is increasing, what are the reasons?

Q2. What problems you faced as mess manager?

Q3. Importance of MSMEs in Indian economy?

Q4. Future of Indian oil corporation is dark?

Member 4:

Q1. Rajasthan is called as BIMARU state, what are reasons for poor development?

Q2. Share of different sectors in Rajasthan economy?

Q3. It's said that India is land of contradictions, on one hand we are 5th largest economy and on other hand so many poors, how do you see it?

Q4. It's said that one direct employment create 10 indirect employment, how is it true for automobile sector?